Analysis Services
Pace Doctor provides analysis services for fast and spin bowlers with different needs.
All are suitable for females and males, and bowlers should bowl at match intensity when being filmed.
Check out the different analysis services below and you can order the one for you in the Pace Doctor Shop.
All prices are in Australian dollars. We have a currency converter in the Shop if you are outside Australia.
The Club Quick

This analysis is designed specifically for junior and senior fast bowlers playing local club cricket. Its particularly suited for male or female early teenagers showing a keen interest and basic skill levels. Its the great all-rounder analysing performance and injury factors.
The analysis will take a general broad assessment of your bowling action. We'll assess your efficiency, momentum and alignment with a view to achieving more consistent speed and control.
We'll also check for an obvious illegal action and for any major characteristics linked to back injury (e.g. excessive counter-rotation or lateral flexion). This is particularly important for young teenage bowlers as research has linked some bowling action features to lumbar spine stress fractures in adolescent years.
This analysis is also a great cost effective option for the senior club fast bowler who would like a "tune-up" of their action and get a clearer picture of areas to improve performance.
Film your bowling action from the front (3 deliveries) and the open side (3 deliveries) in HD and sport shutter modes (a modern smart phone will do) upload your videos and we'll do the rest. You'll have your Junior & Club Quick analysis within 2-3 business days.
The Club Quick Analysis - $249
With optional video debrief - $349

Bowl Faster
"An out-and-out fast bowler is one of the great sights in cricket"
James Anderson
One of the great weapons of the fast bowler is pace. It compresses time and increases the need for precision from the batter. Not all of us can be express, but an 'extra yard' while maintaining your control and swing never hurts!
In your Bowl Faster analysis we'll measure the key biomechanics of your run -up and delivery stride, calculate your ball speed and show you where you can gain that extra yard.
Film your bowling from the front (2 deliveries) and the closed side (8 deliveries) in HD and sport shutter (a modern smart phone will do), send it through and we'll do the rest. You'll have your analysis within 3-5 business days.
Bowl Faster - analysis & report: $399
With optional video debrief: $499
Illegal Action
For spinners and quicks
The ugly duckling of our work, but unfortunately necessary. Often quite a stressful time in a cricketers life, its never enjoyable to have a "doubtful" bowling action, for the bowler, coaches, parents or team mates.
We know the illegal action law and it's biomechanics intimately, with Pace Doctor's founder Dr. Marc Portus being involved with the original research to introduce the ICC's 15 degree tolerance threshold for elbow extension.
Our analysis will be strictly confidential, cost effective and provide you with the clarity you need. Full 3-D biomechanical analyses can be expensive and hard to get, so this is a great first step, and maybe the only step you need.
Film your action from the front (6 deliveries) and open side (6 deliveries) with a video camera or smartphone with the HD and sports features on and send the files through.
In your Illegal Action analysis we'll make an informed and evidence based judgement on your action legality and if necessary, provide strategies to fix it.
This analysis is available for spin bowlers and fast bowlers and includes a video debrief. Appropriate for junior cricketers through to international players.
Illegal Action - analysis & report: $549
Includes 30 minute video debrief

This is the big one. We will analyse your bowling action for all of the following factors:
1. Back Injury Risk Factors
2. Pace Mechanisms
3. Ability to Swing The Ball
You'll get a comprehensive, evidence based and best practice assessment of your bowling action so you can get the complete picture of how you bowl and why.
Based on your bowling action we'll recommend the right skills and drills to take your bowling to the next level. Included in the package is a 30 minute video debrief with Pace Doctor to explain and discuss your next steps.
This is the ultimate performance analysis package for elite and developing high performance fast bowlers and great value when bundled together like this.
The HP Quick - $599